Is Nationalism akin to Racism?

. 09/05/2008
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Nationalistic feelings, and having pride in one’s country, history, achievements, bloodlines, and cultural heritage are not the catalysts, nor the building blocks, or markers, of outward hatred toward others however persistent the media tries to spread this myth.

For many of us, memories of our childhood and the stories imparted to us by our elders are the compass headings by which we as nationalists navigate a peaceful path through life. Therefore; ‘racism’ could not be further from the hearts of traditional nationalists as many of us can testify to being sternly, yet fairly disciplined from a young age - something that’s been outlawed by our LIB/LAB/CON one-party-state politicians who deride the family unit and moreover society with political correctness: The ideology behind the pretence that liberalism, human right laws, and multiculturalism are the essential building blocks of the type of character necessary to survive and be accepted in the globalist world.

Thankfully, so few people are now buying in to the LIB/LAB/CON propaganda that nationalism across Europe is beginning to enjoy a widespread renaissance. The old adage that ‘good will triumph over evil’ will come to fruition when people start to see political correctness for the evil, Marxist tool it truly is. Communism is currently rife among British politics and we are all feeling the damaging effects of this draconian ideology daily.

I predict that soon; when the British lion has awoken from its long, long sleep our LIB/LAB/CON traitors will need to quickly flee these islands or face the true might of the British people the vast majority of whom have Saxon and Viking fighting ancestry deeply engrained within their genome which was pivotal in securing our presence here some 15,000 years ago.

Stewart Davis.