A group of us from Nottingham BNP attended a full council meeting of Rushcliffe borough council last night (May 8) at the Civic Centre. A packed public gallery heard about rumours of a new 6000 home "eco town" said to be on the cards at RAF Newton. Amid much debate and hot air about infra structure, traffic management (widening of the A46), schools, medical centres required, not a single councillor raised the nub of the problem - yes, that's right, immigration.
Projections of households for England published by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) on 14 March 2006 estimate that 4.8 million new households will form between 2003 and 2026, an annual growth of 209,000. There will be more pensioners, more single households and more adults, BUT an extra 32% of the total extra demand will be due to immigration. The UK population is predicted to increase by 10% by 2030 of which 83% (nearly 5 million people) will be due to immigration and the descendents of immigrants. These projections do NOT take into account illegal immigrants (1.5 million by 2030 at current rates) but DO assume that the net immigration level will fall from 255,000 per annum on 04/05 to 145,000 per annum in 07/08. So far this assumption hasn't been seen. Neither do the figures take into account EU expansion when millions of East Europeans are allowed to walk in, likely when Romania, Bulgaria and even Turkey (God help us!) join,
So - stopping immigration would save having to build 1.5 to 2 million extra homes. Withdrawing from the EU would also reduce the numbers. Even supporting the traditional family would even help.
But not a single Rushcliffe council member mentioned any of these!Outside, after the meeting, I struck up a conversation with a large fearsome looking women who later said she was councillor Susan Bennett from Ruddington. In the BNP we love debate - it is, after all, the life blood of democracy, so I quietly put my points about immigration to Councillor Bennett.
After retorting that she liked "living in a multiracial society" and then detecting we were BNP members she became abusive, almost violent shouting "why don't you get back in your car and piss off back to where you come from".
It tells us all about Lib Dems. And the intolerance of the establishment politicians to ideas outside their politically correct sphere. And Ruddington "Multiracial"?
If the BNP starting going round telling people to get back in their cars/planes and piss off back to where they came from would that be considered er... RACIST?
Get Susan Bennett out of her own 0.2% minorities in Bridgford backyard and take her to St Anns, Meadows, Radford, Keighley, Burnley and into the marvellous multi-cultural society she loves. You know it makes sense!
They are planning to build 6,000 properties in this new 'eco-town'..of course, they have not considered the infrastructure needed for such a town...or have they been playing 'Simcity'?
My main concern is that, while building this so-called 'eco-town' on green-belt land, have they actually taken into account of the amount of CO2 that will be produced just by the building work itself. Portland Blue Cement produces 3 tonnes of CO2 for every 7 tonnes of cement produced. Each tonne will take three trees 100 years to 'absorb' this CO2 and balance out the gas. This is, of course, in addition to the effect on the local wildlife that such a building scheme will produce, both from the noise, dust and destruction of habitat locally, through to the 'slurry' washed away that will have long-term effects further down the line.
One thing we in Nottingham also need to watch is the fact the Nottingham City Council are planning to have 5,000 houses built within the City Boundry according to the Council Leader, Jon Collins. Where? There is no room within the city for such developments...oh wait...Parks and School Playing Fields?
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