RWB "Objections"

. 07/05/2008
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I couldn't stop laughing at the 14 page "submission" against this year's proposed Red White & Blue BNP festival, sent to Amber Valley District Council from the so called "Stop the BNP" at a London PO Box!

Looking suspiciously like the product of a kindergarten debating society it contained such objections as "members and supporters...with access to alcohol and music that is whipping them up into a racist frenzy..." and " atmosphere of aryan superiority..".

BNP Chairman Nick Griffin never waves at supporters - in case press photographers misrepresent the wave as a "fascist salute" - he gives instead the Churchillian V for Victory sign. Yet in the Amber Valley submission there's a photo of Nick doing just that same V for Victory wave, but - yes - they've cut him off at the wrist, referring to it as a fascist salute!

That's the same trick they do with the famous picture of Stephen Lawrence where they cut off the black power salute he can be seen doing on the full, original photograph.

Needless to say, the council quite sensibly threw out the outrageous and silly list of objections.


Das Wikinger said...

There is a leaflet campaign against the RWB that has so far reached into the Radford area of Nottingham...thankfully management at the pub they were left at are good friends of mine and support the BNP's right to exist, and thus let me remove the flyers.

These flyers stated that they had taken encouragement from the 'Protest that stopped Nick Griffin from speaking at a meeting in Kimberly' - I seem to remember that not only did Mr. Griffin speak, but the thugs from UAF/ANL/Labour Party actually manhandled pensioners...

These flyers also stated that 'SS Marching Songs' were amoung the entertainment provided...I do not recall any such songs, and my tent was on the main field directly opposite the stage? (I will be passing these flyers on to the Nottingham Organiser)

Hope to see you all there this year. It's only a short busride from Nottingham City Centre for those who don't drive or want to take a more 'green' approach.