BBC Propaganda Machine

. 07/05/2008
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The BBC East Midlands Today propaganda machine swung into operation today, persuading us that “foreign nationals” in our region are “not more likely to commit crime” than the rest of us. By an incredible coincidence it turns out, according to a police report, that our foreign nationals – mainly Poles and other east Europeans – commit exactly the same amount of crime, per capita, as we do, around 4% of the total. Nobody knows just how many foreigners there are in our region, but let’s assume that they are 4% of the total population, then last year they were found to have committed, in proportion to the total, 6000 crimes (ie 4%). The BBC glossed over the nature of the 6000 crimes saying that they are "just like the sorts of crimes we do"!

It's also worth bearing in mind that groups like the 20,000 Somalis now gracing us with their presence in Leicester, and no doubt "enriching" that city, are not classed as foreign nationals - most of them claimed asylum in Holland and became EU citizens before walking in to Britain.

Yet another nail in the coffin of the government's point system to keep out all but essential or skilled immigrants.

The police consider that these figures overturn “the myth” that foreigners are more predisposed to criminality than are the rest of us, but are 6000 extra crimes and the suffering for the victims and the cost in police time really worth the 50 p a week we ordinary folk benefit by for their presence? And how much extra will the already outrageously high Nottinghamshire County Council Tax have to increase for the new Foreign Nationals Crime team announced today?


Das Wikinger said...

Police in Nottingham, according to staff at the store, have stopped attending ASDA Hyson Green if the shoplifter is Eastern European.

They used to get upto 30 calls aday with such problems, but as at any time, there are less than 25 officers covering the whole of the City district (from Broxtoe/Bulwell through to Carrington to St.Annes to Trent Bridge to Clifton) I cannot blame them, just the Government and Local Council that are causing them to be so short staffed.