Is nothing sacred? Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem and neighbouring Brewhouse Yard are famous icons, known all over the world - along with Nottingham Castle and the colourful legends of Robin Hood - as symbols of our traditional British history and culture. Yet this area was disgraced on May 3rd by a “Mayday rally” organised by the so-called Nottingham Refugee Campaign Group, a uniformed freak show of assorted oddballs from trades unions (including a teachers’ union) and other Marxist, anti British outfits.
See them here:
It is interesting to see, not only the NUT, who screwed up so many of my generation's education by protesting throughout the early 1980's, effectivly hold our futures ransom; but the 'Stop-the-war' campaigners, who are of course, so anti-BNP that they forget that we are the only major party to have actually opposed both the war in Afghanistan and the illegal war in Iraq.
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