Immigration freak show hits city

. 13/05/2008
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Is nothing sacred? Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem and neighbouring Brewhouse Yard are famous icons, known all over the world - along with Nottingham Castle and the colourful legends of Robin Hood - as symbols of our traditional British history and culture. Yet this area was disgraced on May 3rd by a “Mayday rally” organised by the so-called Nottingham Refugee Campaign Group, a uniformed freak show of assorted oddballs from trades unions (including a teachers’ union) and other Marxist, anti British outfits.

See them here:


Das Wikinger said...

It is interesting to see, not only the NUT, who screwed up so many of my generation's education by protesting throughout the early 1980's, effectivly hold our futures ransom; but the 'Stop-the-war' campaigners, who are of course, so anti-BNP that they forget that we are the only major party to have actually opposed both the war in Afghanistan and the illegal war in Iraq.