Thursday - went to a recording of my favourite TV programme at Southwell Minster - the BBC's Antiques Road Show. Could anything be better, be more British? The Minster in its beautiful grounds, the trees in blossom, a quintessentially British town like Southwell, a well behaved, well heeled crowd clutching symbols of their traditional past - their antiques - no white chavs, no so called 'BAME representatives' - except just ONE, a black person amongst the thousands of others; that's all. Even the police were in a good mood, sociable and chatty, and the pay and display machines in the town's car parks were covered over with bin bags - it was heaven. The great Henry Sandon waddled along the queue of visitors chatting, signing autographs, shaking hands with all and sundry.
Inside the Minster, our favourite experts were to be seen wandering about, advising the public on their treasures, and local BBC reporter Quentin Davis was cosying up to Fiona Bruce - it was wonderfully surreal.
I left hours later thinking "this IS the best country in the world".
The evening's East Midlands Today coverage at 6.30 on BBC 1 however showed a different story - out of five short on camera interviews at the start of the piece, there were four white people featured and the one black person I mentioned earlier. Then, after the Fiona Bruce interview, five separate shots were shown of people inside, having their antiques discussed and valued - and, yes, four of them where white and one black, giving an impression of a multiracial programme!
Anyone not there could reasonably assume that 20 or 25% of the attendees at the Southwell edition of the Antiques Road Show were from ethnic minorities, a totally false impression given by the politically correct, state funded BBC who should be brought to account for using an individual to promote the Marxist ideology of their paymasters in this way. This was divisive, manipulative propaganda on their part.
Incidently, talking about propaganda: I noticed a memorial in the Minster commemorating the 14,500 Polish officers murdered at Katyn in 1940. That reminded me of one of my uncles - a Polish veteran of the 1944 Arnhem campaign (who married one of my aunts after the War), who told me that he had understood the Germans were responsible for the Katyn massacre. It was only years later - after the fall of the Berlin wall - that the truth came out: the Russians, not the Germans, were responsible for this terrible crime. But it doesn't say so on the Southwell memorial - could it be that political correctness decrees that the false impression be maintained that Germany and "the nartsis" were to blame?
More propaganda from BBC East Midlands
Labels: ReportsImmigration freak show hits city
Is nothing sacred? Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem and neighbouring Brewhouse Yard are famous icons, known all over the world - along with Nottingham Castle and the colourful legends of Robin Hood - as symbols of our traditional British history and culture. Yet this area was disgraced on May 3rd by a “Mayday rally” organised by the so-called Nottingham Refugee Campaign Group, a uniformed freak show of assorted oddballs from trades unions (including a teachers’ union) and other Marxist, anti British outfits.
See them here:
Is Nationalism akin to Racism?
Labels: Articles Nationalistic feelings, and having pride in one’s country, history, achievements, bloodlines, and cultural heritage are not the catalysts, nor the building blocks, or markers, of outward hatred toward others however persistent the media tries to spread this myth.
For many of us, memories of our childhood and the stories imparted to us by our elders are the compass headings by which we as nationalists navigate a peaceful path through life. Therefore; ‘racism’ could not be further from the hearts of traditional nationalists as many of us can testify to being sternly, yet fairly disciplined from a young age - something that’s been outlawed by our LIB/LAB/CON one-party-state politicians who deride the family unit and moreover society with political correctness: The ideology behind the pretence that liberalism, human right laws, and multiculturalism are the essential building blocks of the type of character necessary to survive and be accepted in the globalist world.
Thankfully, so few people are now buying in to the LIB/LAB/CON propaganda that nationalism across Europe is beginning to enjoy a widespread renaissance. The old adage that ‘good will triumph over evil’ will come to fruition when people start to see political correctness for the evil, Marxist tool it truly is. Communism is currently rife among British politics and we are all feeling the damaging effects of this draconian ideology daily.
I predict that soon; when the British lion has awoken from its long, long sleep our LIB/LAB/CON traitors will need to quickly flee these islands or face the true might of the British people the vast majority of whom have Saxon and Viking fighting ancestry deeply engrained within their genome which was pivotal in securing our presence here some 15,000 years ago.
Stewart Davis.
Rushcliffe Council Paranoia
A group of us from Nottingham BNP attended a full council meeting of Rushcliffe borough council last night (May 8) at the Civic Centre. A packed public gallery heard about rumours of a new 6000 home "eco town" said to be on the cards at RAF Newton. Amid much debate and hot air about infra structure, traffic management (widening of the A46), schools, medical centres required, not a single councillor raised the nub of the problem - yes, that's right, immigration.
Projections of households for England published by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) on 14 March 2006 estimate that 4.8 million new households will form between 2003 and 2026, an annual growth of 209,000. There will be more pensioners, more single households and more adults, BUT an extra 32% of the total extra demand will be due to immigration. The UK population is predicted to increase by 10% by 2030 of which 83% (nearly 5 million people) will be due to immigration and the descendents of immigrants. These projections do NOT take into account illegal immigrants (1.5 million by 2030 at current rates) but DO assume that the net immigration level will fall from 255,000 per annum on 04/05 to 145,000 per annum in 07/08. So far this assumption hasn't been seen. Neither do the figures take into account EU expansion when millions of East Europeans are allowed to walk in, likely when Romania, Bulgaria and even Turkey (God help us!) join,
So - stopping immigration would save having to build 1.5 to 2 million extra homes. Withdrawing from the EU would also reduce the numbers. Even supporting the traditional family would even help.
But not a single Rushcliffe council member mentioned any of these!Outside, after the meeting, I struck up a conversation with a large fearsome looking women who later said she was councillor Susan Bennett from Ruddington. In the BNP we love debate - it is, after all, the life blood of democracy, so I quietly put my points about immigration to Councillor Bennett.
After retorting that she liked "living in a multiracial society" and then detecting we were BNP members she became abusive, almost violent shouting "why don't you get back in your car and piss off back to where you come from".
It tells us all about Lib Dems. And the intolerance of the establishment politicians to ideas outside their politically correct sphere. And Ruddington "Multiracial"?
RWB "Objections"
Labels: ReportsI couldn't stop laughing at the 14 page "submission" against this year's proposed Red White & Blue BNP festival, sent to Amber Valley District Council from the so called "Stop the BNP" at a London PO Box!
Looking suspiciously like the product of a kindergarten debating society it contained such objections as "members and supporters...with access to alcohol and music that is whipping them up into a racist frenzy..." and " atmosphere of aryan superiority..".
BNP Chairman Nick Griffin never waves at supporters - in case press photographers misrepresent the wave as a "fascist salute" - he gives instead the Churchillian V for Victory sign. Yet in the Amber Valley submission there's a photo of Nick doing just that same V for Victory wave, but - yes - they've cut him off at the wrist, referring to it as a fascist salute!
That's the same trick they do with the famous picture of Stephen Lawrence where they cut off the black power salute he can be seen doing on the full, original photograph.
Needless to say, the council quite sensibly threw out the outrageous and silly list of objections.
BBC Propaganda Machine
The BBC East Midlands Today propaganda machine swung into operation today, persuading us that “foreign nationals” in our region are “not more likely to commit crime” than the rest of us. By an incredible coincidence it turns out, according to a police report, that our foreign nationals – mainly Poles and other east Europeans – commit exactly the same amount of crime, per capita, as we do, around 4% of the total. Nobody knows just how many foreigners there are in our region, but let’s assume that they are 4% of the total population, then last year they were found to have committed, in proportion to the total, 6000 crimes (ie 4%). The BBC glossed over the nature of the 6000 crimes saying that they are "just like the sorts of crimes we do"!
It's also worth bearing in mind that groups like the 20,000 Somalis now gracing us with their presence in Leicester, and no doubt "enriching" that city, are not classed as foreign nationals - most of them claimed asylum in Holland and became EU citizens before walking in to Britain.
Yet another nail in the coffin of the government's point system to keep out all but essential or skilled immigrants.
The police consider that these figures overturn “the myth” that foreigners are more predisposed to criminality than are the rest of us, but are 6000 extra crimes and the suffering for the victims and the cost in police time really worth the 50 p a week we ordinary folk benefit by for their presence? And how much extra will the already outrageously high Nottinghamshire County Council Tax have to increase for the new Foreign Nationals Crime team announced today?
West Bridgford Mosque
On Wednesday, a few of us set out on an impromptu visit to the locale of the proposed Mosque behind Asda in West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire.
We saw two England flags flying in gardens overlooking the prospective site (which is adjacent to the David Lloyd Leisure center) and then one of our group members suggested that it would be a good idea to personally greet the residents and offer them our support. We learned from them that a public meeting was being held that very evening at the local social club by Rushcliffe Borough and County Councillors at which local residents would have the opportunity to voice their concerns.
As we arrived, we noted a remarkable lack of representation from the local Muslim community who have asserted on the Nottingham Evening Post web pages that they need the large two storey mosque and school to meet their educational and spiritual needs. Funnily enough, the planning applicant himself was not there to confirm this view either.
One of the local residents who was obviously very anxious and angry explained how frightened many of her neighbours were about the plans.
Word spread quickly at the back of the social club that there was a BNP presence in the meeting and for the majority, this was excellent news with only one dissenting voice from the neighbourhood itself, an elderly lady, who said she thought that as no Muslim would ever object to a church being built in their locality that therefore, the entire meeting and everybody at it, particularly us, were ‘racist’.
This sentiment was echoed particularly loudly by the rude and obnoxious Councillor Harry Tipton (Cons) who demanded that we all leave shortly after the microphone was snatched from us when we introduced ourselves in order that we might ask what we feel is a reasonable question under the circumstances:
Is the scale and location of the proposed development proportional to the needs of the actual local community or the desires of another?
Our democratic right to free speech was denied us and we were startled by the ferocity of the cantankerous, obstreperous elected representatives who shouted us down from the stage. They are guilty of nothing short of hideous psychological bullying. We are expected to cower behind the iron curtain and to cite politically correct excuses such as parking problems and noise instead of voicing our real concern, that we feel rightfully and justifiably threatened by alien cultures, traditions and beliefs that are wholly incompatible with ours and we expect them as elected representatives to do something about it.
East Midlands Election Results
Labels: Election ResultsNottingham BNP have been working very hard helping other groups and branches fight election campaigns that have seen us gain serious ground and our results prove we cannot be viewed as merely a protest vote any longer. We do indeed offer a viable alternative to the the agenda of the Lib-Lab-Con parties who for all intents and purposes are just one party split into three!
Here are the election results for the East Midlands broken down in full:
Derby City Council
Average BNP vote 14.5%
BNP Glynn Cooper 563 (10.9%)
Tory 3234
Lib Dem 683
Labour 739
Turnout 47.4%
Labour 1161
Lib Dem 285
BNP 654 (18%)
Tory 1441
Ind 96
Turnout 36.3%
Daventry District Council
Tories 654
BNP David Jones 451 (31.3%)
Labour 337
Turnout 30.8%
Amber Valley Borough Council Average BNP vote 26.4%
Heanor East
Labour 454
Tories 482
BNP Cliff Roper 537 (36.5%) ELECTED
Turnout: 33%
Heanor West
BNP Lewis Allesbrook 727 (39.6%) ELECTED
Labour 560
Tories 412
Lib Dem 137
Turnout 39%
Heanor & Loscoe
Labour 513
BNP Paul Snell 512 (35.5%)
Tories 417
Turnout ???
Kilburn, Denby and Holbrook
John Phillip Banks - Lib Dem: 277
Timothy Gerard Benson - Labour: 441
Norman Bull - Conservatives: 1,199
Cyril Victor Smith - BNP: 254 (11.7%)
Turnout: 35%
Codnor and Waingroves
Labour 573
Tories 572
BNP Alan Warner 228 (16.6%)
Turnout: 34%
Tories 388
BNP John Dudley 309 (22.8%)
Labour 660
Turnout: 30.1%
Ripley and Marehay
Conservatives 827
BNP Ken Cooper 369 (22%)
Labour 482
Turnout: 36%
Lincoln City Council Average BNP vote 12.2%
Tories 740
Labour 464
Ind 188
BNP 183 Phil Marshall (10.8%)
Turnout ???
Labour 667
Tories 655
BNP 342 Colin Westcott (18.1%)
Lib Dem 218
Turnout ????
Tories 1126
Lab 517
BNP 230 Dean Lowther (12.2%)
Turnout ????
Tories 859
Labour 646
BNP 177 Olivia Wolverston (9.5%)
Lib Dem 167
Turnout ????
Tories 831
Labour 519
BNP 174 Alan Kirk (10.2%)
Lib Dem 166
Turnout ???
Bassetlaw District Council
Labour 107
BNP 243 Dave Otter (30%)
Tories 461
Turnout 51.85%