Integrity vs Integration

. 02/06/2008
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‘Culture’ has a convenient haziness about it. There can be a ‘culture of violence’ or a ‘culture of apathy’ and so on. In the strictest definition, it is simply a way of life at any one given time.

Of course, healthy cultures do not stagnate, they change and evolve. Historically however, it is the customs and manners of people that have altered over time; not the people themselves who remain inherently the same.

The obligation of a multi-racial society however is different. It is considered to be a progressive step for mankind and anybody not willing to take it is regarded as a pariah.

It is interesting to note that both the capitalist establishment and those on the Left (who insist they are an alternative to the system) are wholeheartedly in favour of this ‘progress’. Both assert, albeit from apparently different perspectives that shared common values are more important than collective notions that are not defined by them, such as racial origin and gender. The left believe that race and gender divide the working class and act as a barrier to the unification necessary to revolt and thus bring the capitalist system tumbling down in the process. Those on the capitalist right however dislike notions of ethnic origin and gender roles for quite a different reason: predominately because sentiments arising from individuality can surpass the desire for status and power achievable only by competition as part of their financial game plan.

An article in the Capitalist magazine by Peter Schwartz entitled “The Racism of Diversity”: states the following: “If racism is to be renounced, it is the basis of individualism, including individual free will that must be upheld. There is no way to bring about racial integration except by completely disregarding colour.” We need to identify “diversity” for what it is: a malignant policy that harms everyone, because it is the very essence of racism itself”.

By Stewart Davis


Das Wikinger said...

An excellent piece, particually liked the comment 'Does one's unimpaired health need to be "diversified" with bouts of illness?'.

For far too long have we been faced with 'proportional quotas' etc.

'I'm sorry, but I speak English, everyone I work with speaks English, therefore if there is an emergency, then the alert will be in English, therefore, you have to be able to speak Engligh to a reasonable level to work here' will now get you in trouble with the Emplotment Services and the Equalities Commision (or whatever their name is now) is even an offence to ask for 'GCSE or equivilent in English' in a job advertisment!