Notts Police seek advice on how to police the ethnic community

. 04/06/2008
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Another gem from Nottingham Evening Post:

Volunteers are needed to advise on how minority communities are policed.

Notts Police Authority is seeking people to join the Minority Ethnic Advisory Group. Inspector Tony Dennis said: "As a member you would get the opportunity to make your views heard on issues such as stop and search, hate crime, and the recruitment and retention of black and minority ethnic officers."

The role is voluntary, but reasonable travel and out of pocket expenses are payable. The group meets about four times a year.

Anyone interested should contact: Simon Hobbs, Chief Executive, Nottinghamshire Police Authority, County Hall, West Bridgford, NG2 7QP, e-mail for an application form.

Why can't we have a Majority ethnic advisory group to air our concerns?

I suspect that the establishment know full well that committees like these are divisive. That is the whole point. They use minorities to oppress us. The education system and the media continually manipulate people of ethnic origin into thinking that all of their failures and successes can be directly attributed to white 'racism' or lack of it so we are enemised.

Meanwhile the majority of British people have been similarly brainwashed into self hatred and self destruction. What a wonderful world we live in eh?

Read the shocking truth that about seldom reported racial attacks on whites in Britain here.


Das Wikinger said...

As an Ordained Minister of Faith within a minority faith group (the Asatru/Odinist Community in the UK is quite small), I have 'applied' as minority faith groups should come under the remit of the proposed froup (they do, for example, with the NCH BME forum).

It will be interesting to see what response I get, if any....and if I am decline because of my ethnicity, then we have a case for complaint.