Did you know that Gordon Brown has squandered £1.2 trillion in ten years?

. 02/06/2008
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Gordon Brown has a degree in history and after university he worked as a politics lecturer and as a journalist. In 1983 he became an MP and he’s been a politician ever since. The point? He has no more training in economics or finance than the average taxi driver, and even less experience of business. So how on earth did Gordon Brown fool the nation into thinking that he was some kind of economic expert who was being careful with the country’s finances?

He has turned out to be the biggest waster of all time. New Labour has squandered an eye-popping £50,000 per family and more, supposedly implementing its promises of 1997 to transform our hospitals, schools, police, pensions and social services. But in truth it has produced very little other than a vast, life-blood sucking bureaucracy.

£185 billion extra has been spent on education – yet our children are no better educated.

Health has received £269 billion extra yet there are fewer beds in the NHS than a decade ago and many of us are too scared of catching something to go near the beds there are.

An extra £80 billion has gone on policing and justice but you’d be hard pushed to find anyone who feels safer now than ten years ago. That’s because they’re not – police Reported Crime Figures show that violent crime has more than doubled since 1998.

Here’s how some of it was spent:

£500m spent on the government’s literacy program that produced virtually no improvement.

£722m spent on the various bureaucrats employed by the state to ensure we receive good healthcare – double the 1998 sum.

£600m spent on management consultancy fees by the NHS - £15,000 for each manager employed, equivalent to £3000 per bed.

£800m spent by the NHS every year on agency nurses.

Out of touch Labour politicians and bureaucrats have squandered most of our hard-earned cash with stupidity and incompetence that’s probably unequalled in British history. They have created a culture where they make mistakes and never admit them, they cover up their failings and their bungling is rewarded with promotion, honours and generous inflation-proof pensions. Today they make the same promises on crime, on education, on cutting red tape, that they made ten years ago and failed to deliver on. And they wonder why we don’t believe them.

Gordon and his cronies have squandered the proceeds of ten years of economic ‘good times’ presiding over a system that rewarded blatant incompetence. Now the money has gone, the economy is turning sour and we are left to pick up the pieces. New Labour in its arrogance expects us to pay for their mess.

They have had their chance to build a society fit for the British people and they have failed again. The British National Party will make sure it is the dishonest, incompetent, greedy Labour politicians that pay.

Read the full appalling story in the book ‘Squandered’ by David Craig

By Jack Ashton


Das Wikinger said...

Of course, the money spent by the NHS on agency nurses does not include that spent on agency cleaners...who work for minimum wage with very little training while the agency is paid between £12-£15 per man/hour.

My mother was a cleaner at QMC back in the 80's...she was hired and trained by the hospital, so she knew her job inside out. Sadly, she passed away 10 years ago due to imcompetence in an NHS hospital!

Das Wikinger said...

To make things worse, Brown et all are now considering to 'out-source' the management of the NHS to private companies :
