NCHA gets two star rating

. 13/06/2008

Nottinghams largest locally-based housing association, Nottingham Community (NCHA) has received a rating which puts them in a very exclusive group of top performing associations nationally.

Of the 1,300 housing associations in England, only 10 have ever been awarded 2 stars and excellent and six of those are stock transfer associations working with only one or two local authorities. NCHA works with 26 different councils throughout the East Midlands. Read more here

Nottingham City Homes failed to get the two star rating from the audit commission that the government made compulsory to provide the newly formed arms length management organisation (ALMO) with the approximate £430 million pounds necessary to bring its housing stock up to the required EU 'decent homes standard'.

Tenants were balloted regarding whether or not their council stock should be transferred on the basis that if it did not, there would be no money available for the new kitchens and bathrooms that they were promised if their homes did not remain the sole responsibility of Nottingham City Council.

If NCHA has been given the two stars Nottingham City Homes didn't get so that it can be used for stock transferral then obviously this is privatisation through the back door. Not only could tenants lose out on the money they were promised in return for their vote for the ALMO, it could also mean that when the housing association has acquired the council's ALMO housing stock, they could increase the rent to extortionate levels, allow the homes to fall into disrepair, sell the stock off and kick the tenants out etc. as they are not accountable to anybody except their board of directors.

The only hope of it all going horribly wrong is that if home building continues throughout the economic down turn, there will be too many properties and not enough buyers or tenants, therefore house prices will eventually hit rock bottom and only then can we pare down the greedy people behind the banks and quangos and position our economy so that more people will eventually be able to afford to buy their own homes.

Do you know about the work of the Common Purpose Charity?

. 12/06/2008

Many people of late have been sharing a concern on blog spots, web sites, through PDF circulated documents, and video footage (courtesy of Brian Gerrish) that a group calling itself Common Purpose (CP) est.1985 has an agenda described by some as questionable at best, and highly sinister at worst.

Common Purpose has members in the NHS, the BBC, the police, the legal profession, many of Britain’s 7,000 quangos, local councils, the Civil Service, government ministries, Parliament and Regional Development Agencies. Cressida Dick is the Common Purpose senior police officer who authorised the "Shoot to kill" policy without reference to Parliament, the law, or the British Constitution. Jean de Menezes was one of the innocents who died as a result of this draconian measure having been shot in the head no less than five times by our own British police force.

Find out more about this organisation from the best document on Common Purpose Intervention we have found so far here.

Stewart Davis


. 11/06/2008

Hicham Yezza, a student at the University of Nottingham who was arrested and detained under anti-terror laws for downloading an Al Qaeda manual which he claims was necessary in order to research for his masters degree, spoke to a national radio station about his detention in light of the parliamentary 42 day detention bill.

"I had my academic career, I had my university, but not everyone has their university. If you go around arresting young Muslim individuals, especially men, you are going to find that you are going to ostracise this community. Young Muslims don't need to be ostracised, they need to be engaged." Hicham Yezza

'Engage' also means 'involve'. Now, if we were to invite young, devout Muslims to church or to the pub in order that we might involve them with our community, what reaction do you think we might get?

Read more here.

No change out of Notts Arts Exchange

. 10/06/2008

Nottingham City Council boast on their website that the New Art Exchange in Hyson Green, Nottingham, due to open in 2008, will be the UK's only gallery outside London dedicated to black and Asian artists. Housing public galleries, workshop space, rehearsal rooms and offices, as well as a cafe and shop, it is hoped the centre will become the UK's "very best" for multicultural arts.

The project has been backed by funding from Arts Council England (£2.9m), Nottingham City Council (£300,000), the East Midlands Development Agency (£300,000), the Greater Nottinghamshire Partnership (£534,000) and the European Regional Development Fund (£266,000).

The Neighbourhood Development Company, formerly New Deal for Communities Radford and Hyson Green, which has provided £1.2m, says the Exchange will form a keystone in the regeneration of the area.

Meanwhile, down the road, about ten doors away from the Kyhyber Pass take away, the Muslim Hands Charity boasts the following on its website:

Today Muslim Hands has grown to be one of the UK's foremost charities. Our work encompasses 40 countries, with field offices in over 20, and we spend annually in excess of £7,000,000 on projects ranging from disaster relief and medical aid, to education and tree plantation.

MH appeal for victims of the Tsunami raises almost £1,500,000.

Bam, Iran: Devastating earthquake kills 50,000. Muslim Hands provides food parcels to 3000 families and clothing to 1000. MH receives 4 acres of land from the Mayor of Bam to construct an orphanage.

US led war on Afghanistan brought further suffering to impoverished Afghans. 400 tonne food convoys immediately sent in via Pakistan. Emergency medical clinics, mobile medical units and ambulance service set-up to serve Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Charman and Peshawar. 10,000 school kits and 300 wheelchairs distributed.

Aid agencies pulled out of Afghanistan leaving 7.5 million Afghans facing hunger and winter. Muslim Hands sent aid convoys to Herat, Kabul, Jalalabad and Kandahar. A medical camp and an ambulance services were set-up.

The sacking of Grozny: Muslim Hands provides regular food, clothing and shelter to 7,000 refugees in Georgia. Also established four schools for children and adults.

Wark in Kosova: 500 tonnes of food, clothing and medicine distributed. 12 ambulances deployed with medical teams. Established a medical warehouse to coordinate international aid flowing in.

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Stop and search or stand and deliver?


Police stop and searches are the subject of a questionnaire available to people in Notts.

John Clarke, Chair of the Police Authority, said: "Stop and search is very much in the news at the moment and is an issue we know causes concerns especially among minority communities and young people. We felt that it would be useful to have the views of those who have been stopped and searched to see how they felt about their experience.

"We are always searching for new ways in which we can facilitate improvements to service delivery and we hope that the feedback from this consultation will be helpful in that respect." Read more here.

What about finding more money to tackle crime and "new ways" to make our streets safer instead Mr Clarke?

Oh dear!


Following on from our last post we have done a bit of research and we conclude that Labour are as good as finished. Perhaps Nottingham will finally take down the red flag at the next round of elections.......?

One of Britain's biggest trade unions yesterday reacted to the "contempt" with which workers are treated by the government by withdrawing financial support from six Labour MPs it said were not doing enough to support union policies.

The GMB, which has 600,000 members, named the first six of 35 Labour MPs it will refuse to support at the next General Election. However, a move to disaffiliate the trade union from the party, severing the formal link with Labour, will not go ahead and the union intends that its annual £1.7m in fees and local grants will continue.

The union had examined the records of the 108 GMB-sponsored MPs in parliament and those who had not, in the GMB's view, performed well, will have their funds cut. The funding is worth £20,000 annually to the constituency Labour parties who support the work of MPs.

The first MPs to be named are Meg Munn, junior minister at the Foreign Office and MP for Sheffield Heeley; Stephen Ladywood, MP for Thanet South and vice-chairman of the Labour Party; and four parliamentary private secretaries to ministers: Christine Russell, MP for Chester, Roberta Blackman-Woods (Durham), Sharon Hodgson (Gateshead East), and Adrian Bailey (West Bromwich West). No Scottish MPs are on the union divorce list.

General secretary Paul Kenny said the union was no longer prepared to fund MPs who treated workers with "contempt". The GMB leader also warned that the union could reduce the size of its annual affiliation to Labour, worth £1.2m a year.

The Labour Party is £24m in debt and has over £13m of loans up for renegotiation this year, but Mr Kenny told the union's annual conference in Plymouth that union funds would not be used to bail out the debt.

Read more here

Labour party debt: money to be laundered through Unions?

. 05/06/2008

The Guardian reported on Thursday the 29th of May that:

Senior officials in the Labour party, including Gordon Brown, could become personally liable for millions of pounds in debt unless new donors can be found within weeks, the Guardian has learned.

The party has five weeks to find £7.45m to pay off loans to banks and wealthy donors recruited by Lord Levy, Tony Blair's former chief fundraiser, or become insolvent. A further £6.2m will have to be repaid by Christmas - making £13.65m in all. The sum amounts to two-thirds of the party's annual income from donations.

According to one of my fellow BNP activists, a programme aired today by the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) alleges that trade union leaders have been in and out of Downing Street all week to discuss government subsidies/loans to facilitate 'modernisation', something seemingly linked to preparation for our full immersion into the European Union.

We are suspicious that this 'modernisation' money is really a front to launder public money through Unions, for them to re-donate the funds allocated so that the Labour party can use it to pay off the party debt. More info to follow.

Notts County Council bears down on its electorate over buses

. 04/06/2008

Oh this is good.....

Protesters were threatened with eviction from a Notts County Council meeting today as the cabinet voted for the controversial bus plugs to stay.

Labour members were jeered by a packed public gallery as they voted through the recommendations.

The plugs - which restrict all traffic but buses, pedestrians and cyclists entering part of the A612 Burton Road and Stoke Lane - were put in to relieve congestion at the junction with Shearing Hill in Gedling.

Council officers warned if the plugs were removed more than 11,000 motorists would return to the road.

As this was read out to the cabinet meeting at County Hall protestors shouted "rubbish".

Council leader David Kirkham threatened to evict those shouting from the public gallery.

Cabinet member for environment Stella Smedley pointed to the gallery and said: "The jeering shows a lack of good manners."

Outside the meeting, Margaret Pollard, 62, from Burton Joyce, said she was "incensed" with Coun Smedley's comments.

Several protesters left voluntarily. Pauline Reffin, 69, of Gedling Village, said: "They said that everybody in Gedling is supposed to be for these bus plugs. We want it removed.

"The traffic to me is exactly the same. It just comes around a different road."

Who do Nottinghamshire County Council's councillors think they are? I am surprised Lynn Davis from East View, Bridgford didn't show up and tell them all to "go home and do as you are told....NOW!" Just like she usually does when people assert their rights.

As for David Kirkham, he is the totalitarian, slave driving Labour leader of Nottinghamshire County Council who clamped down on absence and sickness levels amongst council staff as opposed to facing the music over the extremely bad pay and conditions that make his staff ill in the first place.

Regarding meetings he attends, Cllr Kirkham says on his web page:

The Deputy Leader and I also continue to hold fortnightly meetings with a representative from the Nottingham Evening Post and Corporate Communications, where current and forthcoming areas of interest are discussed. I also meet with a representative of the CHAD to discuss similar matters.

I also continue to hold fortnightly Communication Portfolio update meetings with the Deputy Leader and officers to discuss how we can best we can keep the people of Nottinghamshire informed through County Council channels about our plans.

What a sinister man! Not a mention of meetings with community groups or listening to people what so ever. Does he seriously expect to win another election?

Notts Police seek advice on how to police the ethnic community


Another gem from Nottingham Evening Post:

Volunteers are needed to advise on how minority communities are policed.

Notts Police Authority is seeking people to join the Minority Ethnic Advisory Group. Inspector Tony Dennis said: "As a member you would get the opportunity to make your views heard on issues such as stop and search, hate crime, and the recruitment and retention of black and minority ethnic officers."

The role is voluntary, but reasonable travel and out of pocket expenses are payable. The group meets about four times a year.

Anyone interested should contact: Simon Hobbs, Chief Executive, Nottinghamshire Police Authority, County Hall, West Bridgford, NG2 7QP, e-mail for an application form.

Why can't we have a Majority ethnic advisory group to air our concerns?

I suspect that the establishment know full well that committees like these are divisive. That is the whole point. They use minorities to oppress us. The education system and the media continually manipulate people of ethnic origin into thinking that all of their failures and successes can be directly attributed to white 'racism' or lack of it so we are enemised.

Meanwhile the majority of British people have been similarly brainwashed into self hatred and self destruction. What a wonderful world we live in eh?

Read the shocking truth that about seldom reported racial attacks on whites in Britain here.

Surprise Wiggaz!


Police have found the biggest cannabis farm in Nottingham - which could grow £1m of the drug. About 1,300 plants were found in Hendon Rise, St Ann's.

A mum-of-two agreed to smuggle drugs into prison inside Mars bars to get criminals off her back, a court heard.She smuggled 144 wraps of cannabis, diazepam, heroin and ecstasy inside balloons in the hollowed out bars into Lowdham Grange.

But her suspicious behaviour - toing-and-froing from the visitors' canteen to buy Mars bars - aroused the suspicions of custody staff.

She was seen with two bars on her tray before whipping a third one out from under her top.

When officers arrested her they discovered the top of the bar was bitten off and a balloon was poking out from inside. The drugs were worth £1,000.

More drugs were found in a car she was using.

Cocaine worth £500,000 has been seized by police after a raid at a house in Nottingham, detectives said today.

Officers recovered the haul after entering an address in Target Street near Radford Boulevard on Thursday, May 29 and arrested two people.

So thats how many kilos of drugs seized that you won't be able to get high on this weekend? Shame. Never mind, you can always go and have tea and some biccies with your old Aunty Margaret Hodge MP and tell her all about it!

Alan Simpson MP: LUDICROUS!


Nottingham Evening Post has created a media circus around two refugees in roughly as many weeks and so far, we have not passed comment which may seem unusual for members of the British National Party but despite what people may think of us, we are not in the habit of kicking a man when he is down.

Today is the exception. After all, “morality is a private and costly luxury”.

Amdani Juma was evacuated by the UN during events surrounding the Rwandan genocide in Burundi's neighbour, Rwanda.

In 2003, he was granted three years humanitarian protection but a later application for indefinite leave was rejected.

Since living in the UK he has worked in the community with refugees, paying particular interest to stopping the spread of HIV according to Nottingham’s Evening Post.

The BBC reports that the Rwandan government is trying to rebuild the country’s economy and to improve its image in the wake of the genocide massacre that took place in 1994. HIV and AIDS prevalence is high and sexual health education is inadequate. Yet Alan Simpson who represents Nottingham South, decried Mr Juma’s imminent deportation from Nottingham East and told protesters in the market square that it would be “ludicrous” if he was sent back.

Did you know that Gordon Brown has squandered £1.2 trillion in ten years?

. 02/06/2008

Gordon Brown has a degree in history and after university he worked as a politics lecturer and as a journalist. In 1983 he became an MP and he’s been a politician ever since. The point? He has no more training in economics or finance than the average taxi driver, and even less experience of business. So how on earth did Gordon Brown fool the nation into thinking that he was some kind of economic expert who was being careful with the country’s finances?

He has turned out to be the biggest waster of all time. New Labour has squandered an eye-popping £50,000 per family and more, supposedly implementing its promises of 1997 to transform our hospitals, schools, police, pensions and social services. But in truth it has produced very little other than a vast, life-blood sucking bureaucracy.

£185 billion extra has been spent on education – yet our children are no better educated.

Health has received £269 billion extra yet there are fewer beds in the NHS than a decade ago and many of us are too scared of catching something to go near the beds there are.

An extra £80 billion has gone on policing and justice but you’d be hard pushed to find anyone who feels safer now than ten years ago. That’s because they’re not – police Reported Crime Figures show that violent crime has more than doubled since 1998.

Here’s how some of it was spent:

£500m spent on the government’s literacy program that produced virtually no improvement.

£722m spent on the various bureaucrats employed by the state to ensure we receive good healthcare – double the 1998 sum.

£600m spent on management consultancy fees by the NHS - £15,000 for each manager employed, equivalent to £3000 per bed.

£800m spent by the NHS every year on agency nurses.

Out of touch Labour politicians and bureaucrats have squandered most of our hard-earned cash with stupidity and incompetence that’s probably unequalled in British history. They have created a culture where they make mistakes and never admit them, they cover up their failings and their bungling is rewarded with promotion, honours and generous inflation-proof pensions. Today they make the same promises on crime, on education, on cutting red tape, that they made ten years ago and failed to deliver on. And they wonder why we don’t believe them.

Gordon and his cronies have squandered the proceeds of ten years of economic ‘good times’ presiding over a system that rewarded blatant incompetence. Now the money has gone, the economy is turning sour and we are left to pick up the pieces. New Labour in its arrogance expects us to pay for their mess.

They have had their chance to build a society fit for the British people and they have failed again. The British National Party will make sure it is the dishonest, incompetent, greedy Labour politicians that pay.

Read the full appalling story in the book ‘Squandered’ by David Craig

By Jack Ashton

Integrity vs Integration


‘Culture’ has a convenient haziness about it. There can be a ‘culture of violence’ or a ‘culture of apathy’ and so on. In the strictest definition, it is simply a way of life at any one given time.

Of course, healthy cultures do not stagnate, they change and evolve. Historically however, it is the customs and manners of people that have altered over time; not the people themselves who remain inherently the same.

The obligation of a multi-racial society however is different. It is considered to be a progressive step for mankind and anybody not willing to take it is regarded as a pariah.

It is interesting to note that both the capitalist establishment and those on the Left (who insist they are an alternative to the system) are wholeheartedly in favour of this ‘progress’. Both assert, albeit from apparently different perspectives that shared common values are more important than collective notions that are not defined by them, such as racial origin and gender. The left believe that race and gender divide the working class and act as a barrier to the unification necessary to revolt and thus bring the capitalist system tumbling down in the process. Those on the capitalist right however dislike notions of ethnic origin and gender roles for quite a different reason: predominately because sentiments arising from individuality can surpass the desire for status and power achievable only by competition as part of their financial game plan.

An article in the Capitalist magazine by Peter Schwartz entitled “The Racism of Diversity”: states the following: “If racism is to be renounced, it is the basis of individualism, including individual free will that must be upheld. There is no way to bring about racial integration except by completely disregarding colour.” We need to identify “diversity” for what it is: a malignant policy that harms everyone, because it is the very essence of racism itself”.

By Stewart Davis