Nottingham News

. 02/04/2009
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On June 4th elections to the European Parliament are being held and the British National Party are fielding a full slate of five candidates to stand for the five East Midlands seats.

In the East Midlands we need around 13% of the vote to get our lead candidate, the Rev. Robert West, elected. This is not going to be easy but it is entirely possible if we work hard until 4th June to get across our message of independence from EU rule. Nottingham BNP members are busy delivering leaflets with our message 'get out of the EU now' to households all over Nottingham, Gedling and Rushcliffe. To do even more we need your help.

If you would like to help putting out leaflets (usually Saturday mornings and one evening per week) or if you just want to find out more about the BNP or find out about local meetings please contact us below:

Phone or text: 07792936251


Address: Nottingham BNP, PO Box 9487, Nottingham, NG16 9DE