Arab Muslim Gangs on Streets of London

. 13/05/2008
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Mark Wain said...

That is SCARY as hell!! Nottingham will be next! Hyson Green will soon be a police "No-Go" area.

Keep fighting the good fight!

Das Wikinger said...

Hyson Green already is a vertual 'no-go' area for the police..

Just recently, a disabled man was attacked by a group of Afro-carribian youths, however, he managed to get to his feet and chased them...THEY called the police on HIM, saying he was waving a sword (actually his walking stick)...they fled, the police caught up with the chap, and took him home saftly...he was left with a bust nose, sprained thumb and 'road-rash' grazes up and down his left arm and leg...the police haven't arrested anyone over this matter even though they have the youth's mobile phone number